Local Pottery Resources
Greenbarn Potters Supply
9548 - 192 St
Surrey, BC V4N 3R9
(604) 888-3411
Website: www.greenbarn.com
Seattle Pottery Supply
35 S Hanford
Seattle, WA 98134
(206) 587-0570 / 1(800) 522-1975
Website: www.seattlepotterysupply.com
Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall
Website: www.sublimeartmaterials.com
Opus Art Supplies
Website: www.opusartsupplies.com
Local Pottery Clubs
Semiahmoo Potters Society
North Delta Potters Guild
Richmond Potters' Club
Delta Cultural Services
July - September 2024
We can't believe that summer is finally here! Cultural Services staff have been busy planning a great summer full of activities for all ages. There is truly a little something for everyone this summer – camps for the kids, free family events such as the Boundary Bay Airshow, Ladner Village Market, Concerts in the Park, Heritage Walks, and Elliott Street Wharf.
You can find the most up to date information on Delta’s Cultural Services programs and events at Delta.ca/CulturalServices.